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To survive in Korean market as a programmatic expert : Prologue

It’s been 1 year since I took the role of lead of programmatic buying unit in GroupM Korea. The % of investment in programmatic buying out of total digital media investment is still small, but I’ve seen the new wave in this market. So I made decision that I have to record what we’ve done in this year. This is the history how we are surviving in South Korea as a programmatic expert.


I remember the first day I heard about programmatic buying. It was one day in 2011.


Few years later, the client wanted to roll out their owned trade desk model to Korean marker and I helped them to get digital behavior data as well as private supply. 


Clients and I met publishers several times. However it was super difficult to persuade publishers to join in our ecosystem. The most difficult one is to deliver our concept to them. Because they don’t have any idea regarding programmatic buying. We have to teach them what’s the programmatic buying.


In 23rd of November 2018, buyers and sellers gathered in same placement and same time in order to create private market placement arranged by Google Korea. This is the first time both buyer and seller hung out together as gar as I know. We haven’t talked about what is the DSP and what is the SSP. We all know what’s going on for now.


However there are still barriers in terms of programmatic buying in Korean market.

To be continue....