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To survive in Korean market as a programmatic expert : The 1st Mover

The previous post : http://featureless.tistory.com/29

Hae Lee, a senior planning director reached out me when I needed partners in order to make a progress. He and his clients believed that they had to shift their budget from traditional way to programmatic buying at that time. They needed a partner for this project so he invited me.

First of all, we arranged training session for the marketers. We believed that we should educate them what’s new and different.

Second, we proposed annual plan for the client. Since there was no bench mark media performance data in the client side, we proposed 3 stages of building block. 

At stage1, we identified optimal price and frequency. Utilizing our in-house tool, we could identify consumers’ behavior. That became our criteria to select affinity. With those efforts, we could made better outcome at stage 3 compared to stage 1.

However, we wanted to make a branding objective of campaign.

For these reasons; 1) People believe that programmatic buying works for performance objective of campaign only; 2) Digital video will be the main stream in digital Ads in near future. Jenny reached out us at that time.

We thought that we needed localized service and product in order to grow our business in this nascent market. Out stream video is the first localized product ever since Xaxis Korea established in 2013. That’s what Jenny was looking for. Also it was the first case we created private market placement by ourselves in Korea. I would like to appreciate Mr. James Yoon.

Our mission was to make a better performance regarding complete video view utilizing our data set and analytics capability. In addition, we had secondary objective that was to identify core audience’s behavior.

It was not so easy to create better performance because of limited supply, but the creative trader Sieun made it.

We achieved 40% better CPCV compared to managed service and 22% hire in target reach compared to market standard.

That was the beginning.

To be continued.

Part 1. http://featureless.tistory.com/28